About Brain Health Assist

Our Vision, Mission And Value Statements

Our Vision

To drive and foster stakeholder engagement around mental health with emphasis on traumatic brain injury.

Our Misson

To be the digital platform of choice by Batswana seeking information, training, products and services on Traumatic Brain injury (TDI), Neuropsychology and Clinical Psychology.

Our Values

Knowledge Learning Innovation Engagement Technology Accessibility

Meet Our Founder

Dr Lingani M

It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.
— Mahatma Gandhi

Dr. Lingani Mbakile-Mahlanza

Dr. Lingani Mbakile-Mahlanza is an Atlantic Senior Fellow for Equity in Brain Health with the Global Health Institute. She holds a Doctorate in Clinical Neuropsychology from Monash University , Australia and a Master of Clinical Psychology from Bond University in Australia. Dr Mbakile-Mahlanza has an appointment at the University of Botswana as a Lecturer in the psychology department and as coordinator of the psychology clinic. She has special interest in neuropsychology. In addition to her teaching role at the University of Botswana and working clinically, she has been conducting research in the areas of dementia, traumatic brain injury and neuropsychological assessment in under resourced settings. Dr Mahlanza argues that there are currently no supports and services for people with dementia and people with traumatic brain injury in Botswana, and that this contrasts with the pressing needs for these supports. She is committed to increasing awareness about brain health and supporting the development of neuropsychology in her region.